In my work with clients, I’ve noticed that most of us think we are worthy of good things.
We don’t resonate at first with the idea that unworthiness exists within us and this is because logically, we know all humans have the same innate value.
But the truth is, feelings of unworthiness are often extremely covert.
They lurk beneath the surface of our conscious brains and wreak havoc in our lives.
Is This the Right Core Wound for You to Reprogram?
Let’s look at some signs that unworthiness is a root pain for you.
People with a high “I am unworthy” core wound often:
– Use language like, “I have to,” “I need to,” and “what if I don’t?”
– Are prone to putting a great deal of pressure on themselves
– Overcompensate
– Have a compulsion to people-please
– Over-give and under-receive
– Cringe when they’re complimented
– Have trouble considering themselves
– Are afraid to receive from others
– Have a tendency to be boundaryless in relationships
If this sounds like you, here’s how to reprogram this belief when you’re ready.
Reprogramming “I Am Unworthy”
We know the core wound (step 1) and now let’s look at the opposite of that (step 2).
Instead of using “I was worthy WHEN” which is technically the opposite, we’re going to use “I was worthy OF:”
If you look at times in your day or life when you were worthy, you’re probably going to end up making a list of actions you took that qualify you as worthy.
And that’s gonna reinforce the idea that you’re only worthy when you’re taking action, which is what’s causing all this to begin with!
So instead, we’re going to find positive things in your life that you feel worthy OF.
Clients usually struggle with this at first and I know I did, too!
If you don’t feel worthy of big things yet, then start small: REALLY small if need be.
You want to come up with 10-15 things you were worthy of daily (step 3) for at least 21 days, ideally hitting the 63 day mark so total transformation can take place.
Here’s an example of what a daily list could look like.
“I was worthy of:”
- The fresh air I got to breathe today
- The good feelings I got from helping out a coworker with her project
- Watching an episode of my favorite TV show
- Having a working heater
- Getting to pet a dog yesterday
- Having a bed to sleep in
- Getting to work safely
- The clean water I drank today
- Indoor plumbing
- Enjoying the candle I lit this afternoon
If you get stuck, try to think of things ALL human beings are worthy of and then try it on for yourself.
And as always, use PAST tense. “I WAS worthy of” rather than “I AM worthy of.”
You’re doing it right if: you get an image in your head and you feel a mini boost of energy as you list each item.
Once you’ve stuck with this process for a few weeks, you can expect:
– Increased hopefulness and optimism
– More peace and confidence
– A general sense of ease
– More feelings of belonging and connection
All this and more is waiting for you as you continue to compassionately come alongside yourself.