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How to Build Your Intuition Pt 1

How To’s designed to get you unstuck and pull you into alignment with your highest self.

Hello there, beautiful human!

Last week, we covered four different ways to get great advice, and three of them involved another person.

Personally, I have found the most effective practice for those who want to level up in any area is to get clarity from ourselves.

And though that is arguably the most challenging way to get inspiration, it’s also the most life changing.

As promised, I wanted to give you some more in depth information about the practice of building intuition so you can get the peace, clarity, and direction you need.

We’re going to cover journaling and mindfulness next week.

So, for now, let’s dive in and talk about the most renowned intuition builder out there:


Even as I typed that, I could almost FEEL the eye roll I usually get when I mention meditation.

I know from experience because it’s exactly how I used to feel about it.

However, damn it if it doesn’t work!

We’ve heard so much about meditation and almost everyone has a fairly strong opinion about it, but only an estimated 14% of Americans have even tried it!

Which means just giving it a shot puts you way ahead of the game.

Besides building intuition and increasing clarity, meditation also:

  • Reduces stress and anxiety
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Improves sleep
  • And even gives us more feelings of peace and wellbeing that carry over into the rest of our days

I want to give you a few practical tips for giving meditation a try.

1. Find a guided meditation

This one is so great for beginners because it just requires you to show up, sit down, and press “Play.”

There are tons of meditation apps you can download for free. Head Space, Calm, and Balance are three great ones.

I started with the 5 minute meditations on Head Space and found it far easier than trying to meditate on my own in the beginning.

2. Keep it to 5 minutes. No, SERIOUSLY.

The reason I suggest 5 minutes is because just about everyone can find that amount of time in their days, so there’s really no excuse not to do it.

Plus, you’ll still get the benefits we talked about.

Meditating can also be kind of intimidating, and if you’re anything like me, you might get the distinct feeling you’re doing it wrong from the moment you start.

And I don’t know about you, but I’ve always had some disdain for things I suck at.

But that’s a load of crap!

Just making the conscious effort to sit down and go for it is progress and gives you benefits.

It doesn’t matter if your brain is overloaded with thoughts the entire time. That will get better as you practice.

3. Make sure your breath is working for you

Breathing is a big part of meditation, so that’s the piece we really need to have down.

You can focus on taking long, slow breaths at any rhythm.

My favorite kind of conscious breath is called the 4-2-6 breath.

You breathe in for a count of 4, hold for a count of 2, and exhale for a count of 6.

Once you’ve got the conscious breathing part down, the main idea is to clear your mind of wandering thoughts.

When a thought comes up, gently bring your attention back to the breath or your guided meditation.

4. Keep a notebook nearby

Not only will it come in handy if you decide to journal afterwards (which I highly recommend), you can use it to let go of any particularly persistent thought patterns your brain is trying to hold on to.

During meditation, our brains sometimes take advantage of that quiet space by reminding us of things we need to do.

Sometimes we might even have powerful realizations or insights.

If a thought comes up and you don’t want to forget it, write it down in the notebook so you can keep your attention on the task at hand.

5. Be nice to yourself

As I alluded to before, this was challenging for me.

My practice in the very beginning pretty much looked like this:

I’d start meditating and become completely overwhelmed with thoughts.

I would then try to resist those thoughts (which never ever works since what we resist persists).

Lastly, when the timer went off, I would beat myself up about it and swear off meditating for a time because it just made me feel like a failure.

“Who can sit for 5 whole minutes and focus entirely on their breathing?” I’d think, incredulous.

It was preposterous!

Side note: even the way we think about meditation and approach it can teach us a lot about ourselves… Interesting!

Finally, I decided it’s true that anything worth doing is worth doing badly in the beginning.

Once I approached the process without resistance to my current state, it became something I craved.

So, if you’re open to it, just show up. That’s the most important step.

The bottom line is that meditation is one of the most powerful tools available to us if we’re seeking answers that are in alignment with the highest versions of ourselves.

I hope this helped to encourage you if it’s something you’ve been wanting to try.

If you need some additional encouragement or have any questions, send me a message and I’ll do my best to help!

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